
Collaboration Is Imperative

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Collaboration Is Imperative

Ensuring Successful Results

Collaboration improves the way teams solve problems and work together. It leads to more innovation,
efficient processes, increased success, and improved communication. When it came to the Quad
project for the University of Houston, the collaboration between the project managers across the
entire design team was imperative. American Direct Client Account Manager Kellie Volz says,

“I met with Austin Commercial Project Coordinator Jordan Price every week in addition to supplemental meetings as necessary so we could always be on track. We provided more than 2,000 doors on this project and construction for all seven buildings was happening at the same time, even while students were on campus.”

These meetings allowed Price and Volz to continually review the product selection and the functionality for each opening, ensuring successful results for the owner. “We gave the client a lot of help with hardware choices and it was successful because Austin Commercial acknowledged our expertise to make the best decisions about the openings and that is how our trusted business partnerships grow.”