AccessNsite Latest Release: 7.9.31
AccessNsite 7.9.31 is now available and brings a list of improvements and bug fixes. First, there has been a major upgrade of DMP (Digital Monitor Products) integration that includes new and updated features. This new firmware will be included with the updated software install.
Second, the Access Denied Events produced by Assa Abloy’s DSR product are now supported and will attempt to match to an existing card number. The benefit of this update is that the customer can now track attempted log ins.
Third, the alpha version of AccessNsite Flex, our next generation mobile and web application, will be released and will be ready for testing soon. This product is a major upgrade to the existing application and will allow for a much easier and more streamlined customer experience. Expect to see more about this new version in the coming weeks.
General Maintenance: Bug fixes and general improvements to the software.